SPECIALISTS on ALGERIA: May 1999 Amirouche, Hamou Ind. scholar email: dounia@aol.com. Aresu, Bernard Prof, French Studies Rice University Department of French Studies 6100 Main Street Houston, TX 77005 tel: ext. 4857 e-mail: bca@ruf.rice.edu url: http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~fren/faculty/list.html#aresu Bessaha, Abdelrahmi Senior Economist, Macroeconomics and monetary economics, Adjustment programs International Monetary Fund (IMF) Président of Algerian American Association of Greater Washington (AAAGW) 7556, Westlake Terrace, Bethesda, Maryland 20817 tel: (202) 623-8763 fax: (202) 623-5317 E-mail: Abessaha@imf.org Aurbakken, Kristine Prof., French & Italian Drew university Madison, NJ 07940 tel: (201) 408-4008 fax: (201) 408-3768 Bouziane, Anissa M. Ind. Scholar e-mail: amb35@columbia.edu Buck, Stephen Senior Foreign Officer US Department of State Washington DC, 20521-6320 tel: (703) 302-7137 Charrad, Mounira Prof., University of Pittsburgh 2G03 Forbes Quad Pittsburgh, PA 15260 tel: (412) 648-7580 fax: (412) 648-2799 Chaouch, Ben A. Prof., Managment Science Faculty of Business Administration University of Windsor Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4 tel: 519-973-7090, ext. 3149 tel: 313-963-6112 (Detroit line) fax: 519-973-7073 e-mail: chaouch@uwindsor.ca url: http://www.uwindsor.ca/faculty/busad/facpages/ben/ Chiarelli, Leonard C. Library, Information Specialist Marriott Library University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Christelow, Allan Prof., History Idaho State university Pocatello, ID 83209 tel: (208) 236-2452 e-mail: chrialla@isu.edu Clancy-Smith, Julia Prof., Near East Studies University of Arizona Franklin #403 Tucson, AZ 85721 tel: (520) 621-8013 fax: (520) 621-2333 e-mail: jcsmith@ccit.arizona.edu Dillman, Bradford Prof., Political Science American University of Cairo 113 Sharia Kasr el Aini PO Box 2511 Cairo, Egypt tel: 20/2-354-2964 fax: 20/2-355-7565 e-mail: bdillman@auc-acs.eun.eg Entelis, John P. Prof., Middle East Studies, Political Science Fordham University Dealy 640 Bronx, NY 10458 tel: (718) 817-3953 fax: (201) 265-6336 e-mail: entelis@murray.fordham.edu Goodman, Jane E. Ph.D. cand., Antropology Brandeis University Waltham, MA02254 tel: (617) 491-8937 e-mail: jgoodman@binah.cc.brandeis.edu Harrold, Deborah PhD cand., Political Science (Chicago) 5828 S. University Av., Chicago, IL 60637 fax: (312) 702-1689 e-mail: barr@midway.uchicago.edu Henry, Clement Moore Prof., Government University of Texas Austin, TX 78746 tel: (512) 471-5121 fax: (512) 471-1061 email: chenry@jeeves.la.utexas.edu Kapil, Arun Kapil PhD cand., Political Science (Chicago) Institut Maghreb-Europe University of Paris, 8 Paris, France Korany, Bahgat Prof. (titulaire), political science University of Montreal C-4036, Lionel-Groulx Montreal, Canada tel: 343-5390 e-mail : koranyb@ERE.UMontreal.CA url: http://www.fas.umontreal.ca/POL/profs/Korany_Bahgat.html Layachi, Azzedine Prof., Social Sciences St. John's University Rosati Hall, 300 Howard Ave, Staten Island, NY 10301 tel: (718) 390-4585 fax: (718) 390-4590 e-mail: layachi@stjohns.edu Layne, Linda Prof., Science and Technology Studies Ransselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY 1218-3590 tel: (518) 276-6615 fax: (518) 276-2659 e-mail: layne@rpi.edu Matthee, Rudi Prof, History University of Delaware Department of History 223 John Munroe Hall tel: (302) 831-4544 e-mail: Rudi.Matthee@mvs.udel.edu url: http://www.udel.edu/clio/gradfac/matthee.html Munholland, John Kim Prof., History University of Minnesota 614 Social Sciences Tower 267 19th Ave. South Minneapolis, MN 55455 tel: (612) 624-2800 fax: (612) 624-7096 e-mail: munho001@maroon.tc.umn.edu url: http://www.hist.umn.edu/munholland.html Ndiaye, Christine Prof., French Studies tel: 343-2041 url: http://www.fas.umontreal.ca/ETFRA/profs/NDIAYE_Christiane.html e-mail : ndiayec@ERE.UMontreal.CA Pfeifer, Karen Prof, Economics Smith College Neilson 406 Northhampton, MA 01063 tel: (413) 585-3623 fax: (413) 585-3389 e-mail: kpfeifer@smith.smith.edu Quandt, William B. Prof., Government and Foreign Affairs University of Virginia 232 Cabell Hall Charlottesville, VA 22091 tel: (804) 924-7896 fax: (202) 337-2970 e-mail: wbq8f@virginia.edu Ruedy, John D. Prof., Georgetown University Washington DC, 20057 tel: (202) 687-6061 fax: (202) 687-7245 e-mail: ruedyj@guvax.georgetown.edu Sfia, Mohamed-Salah Prof., Sociology Department de Sociologie Pavillon Lionel Groux 3150, Jean Brillant Local C-5124 Montreal, Quebec H3C 3J7 tel: (514) 343-2372 url: http://www.fas.umontreal.ca/SOCIO/profs/Sfia_Mohamed-Salah.html Swearingen, Will D. Prof., Earth Sciences Montana State University 324 Leon Johnson Hall Bozeman, MT 59715 tel: (406) 994-6927 fax: (406) 994-6029 e-mail: ueyws@msu.oscs.montana.edu Tehami, Amine PhD, Montreal University 135 RUE D'AVIGNON , DOL-DES-ORMEAUX, PQ H9B 1Y4, Montreal, Canada tel: (514) 685-5486, Vandewalle, Dirk Prof., Government Dartmouth College Silsby Hall Hanover, NH 03755 Von Sivers, Peter Prof., History University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 tel: (801) 581-8073 fax: (801) 585-3510 e-mail: pv4909@m.cc.utah.edu Zartman, William I. Prof., Director of African Studies SAIS, Johns Hopkins University 1740 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington DC, 20036 tel: (202) 663-5676 fax: (301) 663-5683 e-mail: tsimmons@mail.jhuwash.jhu.edu Zoubir, Yahia H. Prof., International Studies American Graduate School International Management 15249 North 59th Ave. Glendale, AZ 85306-6011 tel: (602) 978-7034 fax: (602) 439-9622 e-mail: zoubiry@mhs.t-bird.edu * Amar Ouerdane -- in Montreal? (history) * Eric Sellin -- Tulane Univ (French lit) * Mildred Mortimer -- Univ of Colorado, Boulder (French lit) * Susan Slyomovics -- Brown Univ, at MIT this year (comp lit) * Robert Mortimer -- Haverford College, Haverford, PA * John Nellis -- at Carleton Univ, Ottawa? * Abdelkader Haireche -- works in private sector (in NY/NJ?) * Boucetta Allouche -- in Montreal? * Ricardo Laremont -- Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY * Mona Yacoubian -- independent consultant, Washington * Marnia Lazreg -- Hunter College, New York (sociology) * Omar Aktouf -- HEC-Montreal (management) * Marie-Blanche Tahon -- Univ of Ottawa (sociology) * James Malarkey -- Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH (anthro) * Lise Garon -- Univ Laval, Quebec (communications) * Jim Coffman -- at Amideast, Tunis? (education) * David Prochaska -- Univ of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana (history) * Lynette Rummel -- Marlboro College, VT * Ratiba Hadj-Moussa * Lustick, Ian S. * Metz, Helen Chapin * Michael A. Toler: bf20307@binghamton.edu * Nadia Ghalem * Ali Haouchine * CLANCY-SMITH, JULIA A.