* For advertising and seeking help: we could compile a list of the people who answered the "letter of conscience" and send them a message. They may be more responsive. I think I have most of the messages of support sent to us back in June. (Ahmed) * Use the ",inc." after "Algeria Watch International". (Hammoudi) * Call on people to contact 60 Minutes to thank them for their segment on Algeria. (Ahmed)
... I think we should put [FFS Communique] somewhere on our Web site and let people know it is there. It's an interesting piece for people who are interested in the details of the situation and while the media have mentioned some of the essentials it is always good to be able to look at the full document.
Wouldn't it be better to get members involved just by exposing what is happening and ask for volunteer to do the job? For instance: let's say Suzanne Kassem contacts us again, Senator Leahy does the same, we need a statement written etc... instead of Karim having to answer/do all the work, he would present it to AWI members and ask for volunteers to do the job. Since it is his area of expertise, he would then only communicate with those who are doing the tasks and get back to us, for a final decision, once the work is done by the volunteers. Let's face it: The BOD doing all the work is not going to work once AWI gets busier. Now to get back to Karim's point, I say this: If the BOD does the drafts/work, it will be to the discretion of the BOD to expose it to AWI members ( if time etc permits ). One more suggestion is to remove the BOD email address from all AWI announcements, web page etc... We will only use it for BOD matters or private correspondence. My point is: everything should go through AWI members so that they know what is going on ( us not having to forward emails to them...), and therefore be able to follow the events whether they are involved in those events or not. This way, when we ask for volunteers, the facts are already there and they can start working on them right away. The other benefit is that when members see emails coming from out of AWI senators, Kassem, people asking for more info about AWI etc...) they might get excited and participate more.