(1) BOD Teleconferences (a) The BOD holds a regular bi-weekly teleconference that brings together, when possible, all members of the BOD. The outline of the regular BOD teleconference agenda can be found in: https://members.tripod.com/~AlgeriaWatch/BODBiweeklyAgenda.html (b) Teleconferences usually last for about two hours, although the aim is always to keep the teleconference as short and to the point as possible. (c) The GM takes minutes of such teleconferences. (2) BOD e-mail communications (a) All communications to the BOD must be sent to: afn33683@afn.org (b) Communications meant for the BOD must have a subject header that starts with "BOD:". (c) We have come to realize that it is best to address, if possible, one specific topic per e-mail, rather than raise a host of issues at the same time. This is not a rule cast in stone, but just a suggestion. (d) If a BOD member feels that his mail should receive immediate attention from other BOD members, the word "URGENT" should be placed on the subject heading. (3) AWI e-mail communications (a) All communications to AWI must be sent to: awi@afn.org (b) Communications meant for AWI must have a subject header that starts with "AWI:". (c) No one other than the President, unless the BOD specifically allows it, may send mail to AWI on behalf of the BOD. The BOD addresses the AWI membership only via the President. (d) BOD members may, of course, communicate with AWI members in their specific capacity as BOD members (Treasurer, GM, GFO), or in their capacity as simple AWI member, as long as they do not speak for the whole BOD. (4) Communicating with the outside world (a) AWI public statements can be issued only through the President. An official AWI public statement is any communication sent by the President to an audience other than the BOD and the AWI membership, and meant for public (as opposed to private) consumption. (b) Four types of public statements are identified: (i) Position Statements: these are statements that express a position that AWI takes regarding some issue or action (i.e., that we applaud someone, or we deplore something, etc., e.g., our support for the Troika mission). (ii) Action Calls: these are statements where we urge our reader to act in some way (e.g., our Action Call to people to contact 60 Minutes). (iii) Alert Calls: these are statements where we would like to bring to the attention of people some event, without taking a position (e.g., say telling people that there will be a report on Algeria in 60 Minutes next Sunday). (iv) Public Comments: these are statements that AWI issues in response to inquiries, questions, etc. (e.g., the President's answers to various questions from algeria-net). (c) The whole BOD must participate in decisions on whether or not a statement of type (i), (ii), or (iii) should be issued. A statement of type (iv) may be issued by the President directly, without the need to consult the BOD, unless the President wishes to consult the rest of the BOD. (d) BOD members may, however, directly send messages to the outside world in the course of fulfilling their duties without the need to clear their messages with the BOD. For example, in the course of seeking recruits, the GM may send a message to algeria-net, asking members to join AWI; the treasurer may, for example, send a public message in his effort to seek donations and raise funds for AWI. (e) All official AWI statements (case (c)) are signed "Algeria Watch International". (f) All non-official AWI communications (case (d)) must to be signed by their author, followed by their official title within AWI, e.g., Ahmed Ahmed-Yahia, Treasurer, AWI (g) All public statements, whether official AWI statements or BOD member messages, must have the following header: Algeria Watch International P.O.Box 27423 West Allis, WI. 53227, USA Tel: (414) 543-6534 AWI email: awi@afn.org BOD email: afn33683@afn.org URL: https://members.tripod.com/~AlgeriaWatchDear Friends: