Start time: 11:00 am.
    End time: 12:00 pm.
    	Ahmed Ahmed-Yahia: scribe 
    	Ahmed Bouzid: facilitator
    	Karim Diff
    	Myriam Nia
    1. Approve minutes of last meeting.
    2. Review and finalize Milwaukee meeting schedule presented by Karim.
    3. Identify moderators and minutes takers for meeting.
    4. Identify actions that need to be accomplished by members
    in preparation for the meeting.
    1. All approved minutes of last meeting.
    2. and 3. 
    Ahmed submitted a new meeting agenda (the one scheduled for August 30-31 in Milwaukee). All agreed 
    on the new agenda with is as follows: (the name preceding the time represents the person in charge of the 
    topic discussed during that time of the meeting. This is not written in stone and might change once we get 
    to that point).
    	August 30th/Day 1:
    Naima -- 8am to 9am: breakfast.
    Myriam -- 9am to 9:30am: Accepting the minutes. Discussing agenda. Choice of
    moderators, minutes takers etc.
    Ahmed -- 9:30am to 1:00pm: Discuss our mission. How to interact with each other etc.
    Naima -- 1:00pm to 2:30pm Lunch
    Hammoudi -- 2:30pm to 7:30 pm Charter with focus on skeleton
    Naima 7:30pm to 9:00pm Diner
    Karim 9:00pm to 11:30pm charter with focus on division of labor.
    	August 31st/Day 2:
    Naima -- 8am to 9am: breakfast.
    Myriam -- 9am to 11am: Review and finalize the fist draft of the charter.
    Karim -- 11am to 1pm: Elect officers and build a list of potential recruits.
    Naima -- 1pm to 2:30 Lunch
    Myriam -- 2:30pm to 4:00pm: AW web page, library, internal web page etc.
    Ahmed -- 4pm to 6pm: Day to day operations. How to behave or operate (Email,
    snail mail, phone line, P.O box, budget etc.); the manner to react to cases
    or situations.
    Hammoudi -- 6pm to 7:30pm Plan for at least a year ahead.
    Naima -- 7:30pm to 9:00pm Dinner.
    Karim -- 9pm to 11:30pm A general review of what has been done in the two
    days. Decide weather we should announce AW or not. Set up a short term
    4. Actions to be taken between now and the Milwaukee meeting:
    Ahmed: Provide attendees with "conference kit":
    	- Mission draft
    	- Charter draft: organization
    	- Division of labor
    	- All previous meeting minutes
    	- Lits of potential recruits
    	- Sample organization charter
    	- Chapter from: "How to establish a non-profit organization" book
    Myriam: Laptop and floppies.
    Karim: the entertainment center, essam3iya el-bassariya.
    Hammoudi: Les gourdins pour les bagarres.
    How to form a nonprofit corporation

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