Minutes of BOD regular bi-weekly meeting, February 08, 1998 Next meeting: 7:00 pm EST, Sunday, March 01, 1998 Present: Abdenour Achab (scribe/moderator) Ahmed Ahmed-Yahia Ahmed Bouzid Karim Diff Meeting started at 7:00 pm EST, and ended at 11:30 pm EST Agreed on the following: BOD: - Add a 5th category of public statement: In depth Analysis articles - React next week to the Congressional hearing about Algeria. - Everyone of us to build their own homepage - Think about ways of making our meetings shorter Idea 1: timing each of our reports. Idea 2: ask members of AWI to take on more work - Long term: each BOD member writes down any information they feel is important in carrying out the tasks of their respective position. This includes technical information, basic data (e.g., bank account #, incorporation data, etc.,), advice on how best to manage work, list of contacts, etc., anything that will make filling a vacated position a smoother task. Karim: - Write a letter to Senator Leahy ("we appreciate, applaud ..." urge them to pursue their action). This will be our Public Statement for the week. - Call for action (related to Leahy). Give a form letter to people, and put a copy on our web. - Send a message to CBS to ask them for a transcript of 60 minutes - Send a message to Miss Magazine to get an article from Salima Ghezali - Send a statement to CBS incorporating Karim Boughida's feedback - Send information to l'Humanite - Respond to a few more inquiries - Get agreement from the BOD on a general statement to send to people requesting information on who we are, what we do ... - Call the Berkeley law school to: 1 - Get basic info about asylum process, to be posted on our web page 2 - Tell them about us Issue: they deal with human rights, but we need advise on copyright and other practical things. - Front web page: redesign it. Trim it down. With only 3 links: 1 - Link to items of interest for the outside world (owned by Karim) 2 - Link to an administrative page (bylaws, ... - owned by Abdenour) 3 - Link to a Library page ( archives, scholars, ... - owned by Ahmed) - Work on a new archives page (long term) - Put together the first version of the administrative page Abdenour will take it on from there - Put a picture about Algeria in the background of web page (Ahmed's suggestions: white background, no images) - Send a list of links to Hammoudi about how to petition to the IRS to receive a non profit status - Test the AWI membership application form - Send a response by the end of the week to Ali Hannat Idea: Ali to think about bylaws to add chapters structure No committment, no discouragement - Send Hammoudi the URL of the IRS ( tax exempt matter ) - Think about how to organise archives versus activities in the Library web page Abdenour: - Fill the "to do" task list for every BOD member - Long term: find out a way of making the sensitive pages (minutes, ...) accessible through login only - Record Lamine's resignation, and update mailing list - Long term: Start thinking about December 1998 elections - Long term: Add an election page to the web site - On going: scheduling of every activity - Test the AWI membership application form - Contact Myriam Nya: 1 - Ask her whether she wants to become a member of AWI 2 - Ask about forms/applet used on our site - Update typical bi-weekly agenda: 1 - Replace (C) (other issues) with "Memebers suggestions" 1 - Add (D) = "other issues" - Add AWI to search engines other than AltaVista Hammoudi: - Break down expected activities and think about the expenses they represent (newsletter, travel expenses, ... - Long term: come up with a budget for 1999 - Start thinking about a financial solution: 1 - Explore other sources of money 2 - Expore options on how to save money (mail bulk rate, ...) - Using a list of links to be supplied by Karim, petition to the IRS to receive a non profit status - Test the AWI membership application form Ahmed: - Ask M'hemmed Henniche to drop tanslating the Wednesday updates and translate AWI public statements instead - Write a draft analysis of the congressional hearing that aired on C-Span. The final version will be used as our 1st Analysis statement - Test the AWI membership application form - Send an e-mail to AWI asking members to volunteer for tasks In e-mail, request coordination of tasks, as well as simple contributions to tasks. - Send an e-mail to Anet asking netters to volunteer for tasks - Investigate chat room idea - Contact Oumerzouk to take on the brochure project - Ask Azzedine Mansour to go ahead with his task (accreditation). - Add the brochure project to the list of tasks - Add the accreditation project to the list of tasks Minutes recorded by Abdenour Achab