Non-Profit Corporations I. Non-Profit Corporations This booklet is intended for people who are members or directors or are interested in becoming members or directors of non-profit corporations. It is of particular interest to people involved with an organization and who want to incorporate that organization for one reason or another. Although non-profit corporations properly fall within the area of corporate law, this area of law is of interest to many people who volunteer their time and effort to these organizations. The area of non-profit corporation law is presented here in an understandable way that makes it accessible to everyone. The booklet discusses why an organization may want to incorporate, the different types of non-profit corporations and how to incorporate. It also explains the responsibilities, duties and liabilities of the members and directors of non-profit organizations incorporated in Saskatchewan. The final section of the booklet contains the names and addresses of the government departments that can provide additional information on incorporating a non-profit organization. A. What is a Non-Profit Corporation? The main classes of corporations are business corporations and non-profit corporations. A business corporation is formed to make a profit and to distribute the profit to its shareholders in the form of dividends. Business corporations are regulated by The Business Corporations Act of Saskatchewan which is administered by the Corporations Branch of the Department of Justice. A non-profit corporation, on the other hand, is formed to carry on activities for purposes other than personal financial gain. A non-profit corporation can earn a profit, but the profit must be used to further the goals of the group rather than to pay dividends to its membership. Most activities of a non-profit corporation are not of a commercial nature. Examples of non-profit corporations are sports groups, activity clubs, dance groups, day cares and service groups. Some non- profit organizations are incorporated and some are not. As well, some non-profit organizations may be co-operatives. Non-profit co-operatives are organized on a voluntary basis to meet the economic, social or cultural needs of their members. For example, many day cares in Saskatchewan are co-operatives. All members of a co-operative share in the control and responsibility of the organization, and benefits are returned to the members in proportion to their use of services. Co-operatives have Co- operative in their name and are regulated by The Co-operatives Act - 1989. The Corporations Branch, Department of Justice administers this law. This booklet contains information relating only to non-profit corporations incorporated under The Non-profit Corporations Act of Saskatchewan. A co-operative organization will need to obtain other information relating to co-operatives. (See addresses at the end of this booklet.) B. Types of Non-Profit Corporations There are two types of non-profit corporations: membership corporations and charitable corporations. It is necessary to distinguish between the two types because the responsibilities of each vary. A membership corporation carries on activities that are primarily for the benefit of its members. It is supported by its members through fees, donations, loans or any combination of these. Examples of membership corporations are golf clubs, social clubs, special interest organizations, day cares, etc. A charitable corporation carries on activities that are primarily for the benefit of the public. It may solicit donations from the public, receive government grants in excess of 10% of its yearly income or register as a charity within the meaning of the Income Tax Act. Remember, both types of corporations have members. A corporation is not a membership corporation just because it has members; a charitable corporation has members too. The members of any non- profit corporation, membership or charitable, have a status similar to that of the shareholders of a business corporation. The main differences between a membership corporation and a charitable corporation are: - who benefits from the activities (the members or the public); - who supports the organization financially; and - how the surplus is distributed upon dissolution. (See IV. Dissolving a Non-Profit Corporation) C. Laws Governing Non-Profit Corporations The Non-profit Corporations Act governs the incorporating of all societies, charities and non-profit corporations in Saskatchewan. The Act is administered by the Corporations Branch of the Department of Justice, under the direction of an appointed Director. As well, non-profit corporations are subject to all laws of contract, tort, labour standards, etc. II. Incorporation of a Non-Profit Organization A. Why Incorporate? Incorporating gives an organization legal status. It is not essential for a non-profit organization to incorporate. Whether an organization decides to incorporate or not depends upon its activities, nature or type of organization. As a legal entity, an incorporated association is recognized by the legal system as having rights and responsibilities. An incorporated organization can enter into contracts, buy land, borrow money, have bank accounts, etc., in its own name. Other advantages to incorporating include: (a) the liability of the members is limited (members are not personally liable for debts of the corporation); (b) continuity of the organization is assured while the membership changes; (c) the ability to bring a legal action in its own name (an unincorporated body cannot); and (d) the chances of receiving government grants may increase because of the stability the organization appears to have. An unincorporated association is an agreement between individuals and has no legal status. The members are personally liable to the creditors for the full amount of any debts. An unincorporated body cannot sue or be sued; each member must sue or be sued individually. Title to property has to be in all the members names if the group is not incorporated. This can make selling the property difficult. Some difficulties associated with being an unincorporated association may be overcome by the creation of a trust, but a discussion of trusts is beyond the scope of this booklet. B. Where to Incorporate An organization may incorporate federally or provincially. This decision is based on the location of the organization. If the organization is to carry on its activities in more than one province under the same corporate name and wishes to move its registered office around the country with ease, it will incorporate federally. A local organization that will remain in the community or province usually incorporates provincially. An organization that is incorporated federally may also be required to register provincially depending on the nature of its activities in Saskatchewan. This booklet deals with incorporating a corporation provincially under The Non-profit Corporations Act of Saskatchewan. Similarities may exist for incorporating federally. For further information on incorporating federally, write to the federal Corporations Branch. The address is listed in the back of this booklet. C. How to Incorporate a Non-Profit Organization The Corporations Branch will supply an organization with an Incorporation Kit. The Kit contains the forms necessary to incorporate and the instructions for completing them. The four forms that must be completed are the Articles of Incorporation, Notice of Registered Office, Notice of Directors (names and addresses of the Board of Directors) and Request For Name Search and Name Reservation. In completing the forms, read the accompanying instructions carefully. The organizations name must be the same on each form, including abbreviations and punctuation. The name must also end with Inc., Incorporated, Corp. or Corporation. Once the forms are completed and returned to the Corporations Branch with the necessary fees, the Director of the Corporations Branch will issue a Certificate of Incorporation. 1. Name Search It is a good idea to have the name of the organization searched before completing the incorporation forms. An organization can phone or write the Corporations Branch, which will need a couple of days to search the name. If the proposed corporations name is already being used or is misleading or deceptive in any way, the Director of the Corporations Branch will not accept the name. Having the name searched before completing the forms saves time in the event that the name is not acceptable. A fee is charged for this service whether it is done before or at the time the other forms are submitted. 2. Articles & By-laws The Articles of Incorporation is the document that identifies the unique characteristics of each corporation. The articles state the name of the company and its objectives, the number of directors and the classes of membership. Once the corporation is set up, it can pass by-laws which are the rules and regulations that govern the internal workings of the organization. By-laws are not required by law but they help to clarify the conduct of the corporation. It is not necessary to include provisions in the articles that can be included in the corporations by-laws. It is easier to change a by-law than to change the articles. Keep the provisions in the articles to a minimum. In the articles, it is only necessary to state one class of members if all members have the same rights and privileges, even if members have different titles. However, if members have different voting privileges, the articles must state the different classes. For example, if certain members cannot vote on particular issues, those members form a different class. An example may be that members who are paid staff cannot vote on items concerning salaries. A class of members that has restrictions with respect to voting must be designated as a separate class in the articles of the corporation. However, if the only difference between members; for example, regular members and honorary members, is the length of service but all rights and privileges are the same, the articles should only state one class. Do not designate a corporation as a membership corporation solely because it has members. Remember that a charitable corporation has members too. D. Changes to be Reported to the Corporations Branch Articles of incorporation can be amended by completing and submitting the prescribed forms with the appropriate fees to the Corporations Branch. Amendments are effective after the Director of the Corporations Branch issues a certificate of amendment. Any change in the address or location of the registered office of the corporation or any change in directors of the non-profit corporation must be sent to the Corporations Branch on the prescribed forms. E. Income Tax Non-profit corporations are normally tax exempt under the Income Tax Act. If the corporation is a charitable one but does not register as a charity (that is, does not have a registration number), it is not tax exempt. If a corporation does not qualify as a registered charity, it may still be tax exempt as a non- profit corporation. F. Registering as a Charity If an organization is created in Canada, is non-profit and is charitable in purpose, it qualifies as a charity within the meaning of the Income Tax Act. By submitting a formal application and the required documents to Revenue Canada, an organization may become a registered charity and receive a registration number. Benefits of becoming a registered charity are that the organization is tax exempt (remember that if the organization is a charity and does not register, it will not be tax exempt); and that official receipts can be issued to donors (to be used for tax deductions). For the necessary forms and information to register as a charity, contact Revenue Canada at the address listed in the back of this booklet. G. Use of Professionals Whether or not the non-profit corporation needs the help of legal or accounting professionals to incorporate depends on the nature of the organization. If the organization is large and complex, professional help may be needed. III. Responsibilities of a Non-Profit Corporation A. Members There may be different classes of members in a non-profit corporation. These classes have different rights and privileges only if the articles or by-laws of the corporation stipulate the differences. The Non-profit Corporations Act (a provincial statute) gives members their basic rights: the right to elect the directors, the right to one vote at a meeting of members, etc. Some members rights can be changed by the articles or the by-laws. The rights given in the Act apply where no changes have been made. Some rights, however, cannot be changed. For example, the right of access to the corporations records cannot be taken away. The Act states which rights can be altered by the articles of the corporation, which can be altered by the by-laws and which rights cannot be altered. The minimum number of members that must be present in order to transact the business of the corporation is called a quorum. There is a quorum of members at a membership meeting if there is a majority of voting members present (or represented by proxy). A corporation can alter the number of members that constitutes a quorum by changing the by-laws. A by-law can state that a certain number of members less than the majority constitutes a quorum. B. Directors Any mentally competent person who is at least 18 years of age and who is not bankrupt can be a director. A majority of the directors of a non-profit corporation must be resident Canadians and at least one director must live in Saskatchewan. The board of directors provides continuity and has the overall responsibility for managing the activities and affairs of the corporation. The boards functions often include: budgeting, financing, planning, fundraising, setting policy, hiring and firing personnel and handling public relations. A membership corporation can have a minimum of one director but a charitable corporation must have a minimum of three directors (at least two must not be officers or employees of the corporation or its affiliates). Before business can be transacted at a directors meeting, a minimum number of directors must be present. This number is called a quorum. The number of directors needed to make up a quorum is determined in one of three ways. First, the articles or by-laws may state how many directors constitute a quorum. Second, the articles may state how many directors the corporation is to have; in which case, a quorum is the majority of that number of directors. Finally, the articles may state a minimum, or a minimum and maximum, number of directors that the corporation must have. In that case, a quorum is the majority of the minimum number of directors. Any change of directors must be reported to the Corporations Branch on the prescribed form. C. Liability of Directors Directors of non-profit corporations, like directors of business corporations, are largely shielded from personal liability. In most instances, their obligation to pay any debt or liability incurred by a corporation is limited to their investment in it. There are three exceptions to this rule.First, directors of a non- profit corporation may be found liable to that corporation or to a third party as a consequence of voting for an improper payment of money out of the corporation. For example, if a loan is made to a director and, as a result, there is severe financial problems for the corporation, the directors may be held liable. Second, directors of a corporation may be found liable to that corporation or to its members for failing to discharge their responsibilities in the way that a reasonable, prudent person would in similar circumstances. In addition, directors may be found liable if they fail to act honestly and in good faith, with a view to the best interests of the corporation. For example, the directors of a non-profit corporation set up to run a day care centre would be exposed to liability on both of these grounds if they arranged for the centre to occupy unsuitable and expensive premises in return for a secret payment from the landlord. Third, a director of a non-profit corporation may be ordered under The Labour Standards Act to pay the wages of employees. This may occur if the wages were earned by the employees but not paid to them during the directors term of office. D. Insurance Directors may personally arrange for the purchase and maintenance of insurance to protect themselves from liability. The Non-profit Corporations Act also allows for the corporation to purchase and maintain such insurance for the benefit of the directors. In either case, the proceeds of the policy can only be paid to a director who has acted honestly and in good faith. For example, directors cannot insure themselves against the consequences of stealing from the corporation. Directors insurance is less common than it once was because of the dramatic increase in the premiums in recent years. The directors of non-profit corporations may want to seriously consider a comprehensive general liability policy of insurance for the corporation. An appropriately drawn up policy of this type will reduce the danger of financial disaster if a large judgment is made against the corporation. To assure coverage, all hazards must be reported to the insurer when the policy is drawn up and the insurer must be informed of new risks when they arise. For example, if a day care centre operating as a non-profit corporation expands to include a playground open to the public, the insurer must be notified. If employees or volunteers of a non-profit corporation cause damages while acting within the scope of their duties, the corporation is liable for these damages. For example, if a person is injured as a result of a fall on a badly prepared ice surface in an outdoor arena operated by a non-profit corporation, the corporation will be liable rather than the employee or volunteer who prepared the ice surface improperly. The situation is different if, while working on the ice, the same employee or volunteer sees an old enemy sitting in the stands and attacks him for reasons of vengeance alone. In this case, the corporation is not liable for the damages caused because the individual was acting outside the scope of his or her duties. The individual will be liable for the damages caused and would not be covered by the insurance policy of the non-profit corporation. E. Auditor The auditor reviews and verifies the financial statements of the corporation. The auditor can be a member of the corporation but must be independent of the corporation and its affiliates. For example, the auditor can be a member but cannot be a director or an officer of the corporation. The auditor does not need to be an accountant. He or she must present a statement on the finances of the corporation to the membership at the annual meeting. In this statement, the auditor verifies the accuracy of the financial records based on the information given to him or her. If the membership does not elect a new auditor at the annual meeting, the current auditor remains in that position for the next year. F. Records The corporation must retain an adequate set of records at the registered office of the corporation or at a place that is fit and reasonable and where they are always accessable to the directors of the corporation for inspection. An adequate set of records includes the articles of incorporation, the by-laws and all the amendments, the minutes of the meetings and all resolutions, a register of members entitled to vote and the financial records. G. Access to Records Members may have access to records and, without charge and upon request, are entitled to a copy of the articles and by-laws. With 10 days notice, members are entitled to a list of members and addresses that is not more than 10 days old at the date of the request. The membership list is supplied for a fee and an affidavit is required. This list can only be used to influence voting or any other affairs of the corporation. In a membership corporation, any member is entitled to access to the records. In a charitable corporation, any person is entitled to access to the records. H. Meetings Annual membership meetings must be held within 15 months of the last preceding annual meeting, usually about three months after the fiscal year end of the non-profit corporation. Financial statements and the auditors report are presented at this meeting but these documents must be sent to the membership 15 days prior to the date of the meeting. Other membership and directors meetings are held as often as the by-laws require. Members meetings require at least 15 days notice. At any time, 5% of the voting members can ask the directors to call a members meeting. The members request must state the purpose of such a meeting. I. By-laws The law does not require a non-profit corporation to have by-laws. By-laws are for the convenience and efficiency of the management of the corporation itself. By-laws are effective tools for changing the requirements of The Non-profit Corporations Act. Before drafting by-laws, the drafters must carefully review the Act to see which provisions can be changed and which provisions should be changed to better suit the needs of the corporation. Changes to by-laws may be made by the directors but members approval is required at the next membership meeting. J. Fiscal year A corporation can set its fiscal year end for any month of the year. An annual meeting must be held within four months after the fiscal year end to present the financial statements and the auditors report to the membership. IV. Dissolving a Non-Profit Corporation Dissolving a non-profit corporation in Saskatchewan can be accomplished either directly by the members, by outside authorities such as the Director of the Corporations Branch under The Non-profit Corporations Act, or by a court acting on a request. Who dissolves the corporation depends on the circumstances of the case. The reason for dissolving a non-profit corporation may be one of the following: (a) the main objective of the corporation has disappeared; (b) there is a deadlock in the management of affairs; (c) the conduct of the directors has been unfairly prejudicial to a certain member or class of members. A liquidator may be appointed by the corporation or by a court to collect money owed, pay debts and distribute the surplus. How the surplus is distributed upon dissolution depends upon whether the corporation is a membership corporation or a charitable corporation. In a membership corporation, the surplus is distributed as stated in the articles. The surplus may be donated to a similar organization or charity, or it may be divided equally among the members. If the surplus is divided among members, it may be subject to taxation in their hands. If the articles do not specify otherwise, the surplus will be distributed to the members. In a charitable corporation, the articles may specify a specific charitable corporation or government to which any surplus is to be distributed. If nothing is specified in the articles, the surplus amount will be distributed with the approval of the court and then only to a corporation carrying on similar activities or to a government. If money was received for a specific purpose, it must be returned to the donor, if possible, or it must be donated to an organization with a similar purpose. The surplus cannot be divided among the members as in a membership corporation. A voluntary dissolution must be passed by special resolution which means that two-thirds of the members of the corporation must vote for the dissolution. A statement of intent in the prescribed form is sent to the Director of the Corporations Branch under The Non- Profit Corporations Act who issues a certificate of intent. At this point, the corporation ceases to carry on activities except those necessary for the liquidation. The corporation sends notices to all creditors and publishes notices for four consecutive weeks in a newspaper in the place where the registered office is located. The corporation collects and disposes of all properties in accordance with the Act. Articles of dissolution are sent in prescribed form to the Director who issues a certificate of dissolution. The corporation ceases to exist on the date of the certificate of dissolution. A certificate of intent of dissolution can be revoked at any time before the final certificate of dissolution is issued. To revoke, the corporation notifies the Director of the Corporations Branch in prescribed form, and the Director issues a certificate of revocation of intent effective on its date. The corporation can then resume activities. The Director of the Corporations Branch may dissolve a corporation that has not carried on its activities within three years after the date of incorporating or has not carried on any activities for three years. The Director gives 120 days notice to the corporation and to each director and publishes a notice of the decision to dissolve the corporation in the Saskatchewan Gazette. After the period expires and no one has successfully objected, the Director issues a certificate of dissolution and the corporation ceases on that date. The Director of the Corporations Branch or any interested person may apply to the court for dissolution. Grounds for dissolution include: (a) the corporation has failed for two consecutive years to comply with the requirements of the Act pertaining to the holding of members meetings; or (b) the corporation is carrying on activities restricted by the articles or contrary to the articles. The Director of the Corporations Branch is given notice of the application to the court and is entitled to appear and be heard. The court may order dissolution or make any other order it thinks fit. If the court orders dissolution, the Director of the Corporations Branch issues a certificate of dissolution. If the order is to liquidate and dissolve, the Director issues a certificate of intent and publishes a notice in the Gazette. The court may appoint a liquidator who has the powers to carry out the liquidation and dissolution as prescribed by the Act and under the supervision of the court. The liquidator may be a director or an officer of the corporation. V. Investigation of a Non-Profit Corporation Any member of a non-profit corporation may apply to a court for an investigation of the corporation. The court will order an investigation where it finds grounds to do so. Grounds for investigation may include: (a) the activities of the corporation are carried on with the intent to defraud any person; (b) the activities are carried on in a manner oppressive or