Recruitment call

    Algeria Watch International
    P.O.Box 27423
    West Allis, WI 53227, USA
    Tel: (610) 635 - 0810
    Dear Friends:
            Algeria Watch International, a newly established all volunteer, non-profit 
    organization dedicated to bringing world attention to the Algerian crisis, is looking for 
    a few good men and women to help it bring to world attention the situation in Algeria.   The 
    tasks listed below need to be urgently filled.  Please pick one you feel most comfortable with.
            The tasks, as you will see, focus on the US.  Of course, if there is a parallel task 
    that you think you could do for some country other than the US, please let us know.  Also, 
    if you have a particular task that you have in mind that does not appear in the list given below,
    please drop us a line.
            To join AWI, send an email to
            To learn more about AWI, please visit our site at:
            TASKS OPEN:
              1  - Build a list of foreign journalists who have written on Algeria.
              2  - Build a list of foreign companies that do business with Algeria.
              3  - Build a list of addresses and coordinates of Algerian associations abroad.
              4  - Build a list of addresses and coordinates of Algerian embassies.
              5  - Build a list of addresses and coordinates of political parties in Algeria.
              6  - Build a list of Islamic/Arab/Middle Eastern human rights associations.
              7  - Build a list of public personalities of Algerian origin/descent.
              8  - Collect summary essays on the various aspects of the Algerian crisis.
              9  - Build a list of graduate students/doctoral candidates who are studying Algeria.
              10 - Build a list of Middle East Studies programs in North America.
              11 - Collect newspaper editorials on the Algerian crisis.
              12 - Conduct official AWI interviews/talks with personalities.
              13 - Undertake surveys to collect information for AWI.

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