Algeria Watch International
    P.O.Box 27423
    West Allis, WI. 53227, USA
    Tel: (414) 543-6534
    AWI email:
    BOD email:
    Statement Release: AWI9803002
    Dear Friends:
    We would like to share with you this update on the activities 
    of Algeria Watch International during the past two weeks.
    1. Actions
    AWI issued the following:
    	a) A letter to the Canadian parliamentary delegation that
    	   visited Algeria from February 28 to March 04. This letter 
    	   was also addressed to the leaders of all the political 
    	   parties members of the Canadian parliament.
    	b) A letter to US Congressman Hastings ( Democrat from Florida) 
    	   in response to the resolution about Algeria that he 
    	c) An action call urging people to read Congressman Hastings's 
    	   resolution and to send him their reactions.
    These statements can be found at the following URL:
    2. Feedback on previous actions
    In our previous biweekly update we referred to a statement we addressed 
    to some members of the US Congress. This was in connection with a 
    letter they had sent to the US Department of State and in which they 
    urged the US Administration to take an active role in shedding light on 
    the recent massacres that occurred in Algeria. We have received a 
    written acknowledgment from Senator Russell Feingold ( Democrat from 
    Wisconsin) thanking us for our letter. We hope this increased exposure
    of AWI will help us carry out the mission of our organization.
    3. Additions to Web Site
    As part of its mission AWI strives to provide useful information
    about Algeria through its web site. In this regard we have recently 
    added pages about:
    a) Companies doing business with, or in, Algeria:
    b) Financial institutions in Algeria
    c) Other relevant financial institutions:
    4. Increased membership
    AWI has had the pleasure to welcome new members and we now stand
    at 27 strong. Once again we invite all of those who share
    our goals to join us and help us carry out this important mission.
    You can find out which positions are currently in need of a volunteer
    by visiting the following URL:
    Please do not hesitate to share with us any comment or question you 
    may have about this update or any other aspect of AWI's activities.
    Thank you,
    Karim Diff