Algeria Watch International P.O.Box 27423 West Allis, WI. 53227, USA Tel: (414) 543-6534 AWI email: BOD email: URL: February 18th, 1998 Dear AWI members: The following is a highlight of AWI actions since last Wednesday. 1. PARTICIPATION OF AWI MEMBERS We continue to urge members to take the initiative in telling us how to make AWI better. We are open to all ideas and take all suggestions very seriously. Again, members should share with the rest of AWI, or with the BOD: (a) Thoughts on how to run things within AWI (b) Suggestions on positions to take in regard to events related to the Algerian crisis (c) Information sources you may come across (d) And anything that you feel will promote the AWI cause You can find the present list of suggestions on the table at: Please visit the AWI members page at: 3. AWI STATEMENTS (a) Statements issued AWI issued two public statements: a letter of support for US Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), and an action call to support the letter. You may view all AWI public statements at: (b) Statements planned The BOD is looking into a resolution -- HR Resolution 347 -- on Algeria being sponsored by US congressman Rep. A. Hastings (FL). We will inform you of any developments on the matter as we learn more about it. 4. TASKS (a) Short-term tasks The BOD, in its continuing effort to stimulate member participation, would like to propose for members a set of short-term tasks that they may either take over or help in fulfilling. The proposed tasks are: 1 - Build a list of foreign journalists who have written on Algeria. 2 - Build a list of foreign companies that do business with Algeria. 3 - Build a list of addresses and coordinates of Algerian associations abroad. 4 - Build a list of addresses and coordinates of Algerian embassies. 5 - Build a list of addresses and coordinates of political parties in Algeria. 6 - Build a list of Islamic/Arab/Middle Eastern human rights associations. 7 - Build a list of public personalities of Algerian origin/descent. 8 - Collect summary essays on the various aspects of the Algerian crisis. 9 - Build a list of graduate students/doctoral candidates who are studying Algeria. If you would like to take on one of the tasks or to contribute in fulfilling it, please let me know. (b) Positions filled (i) New York Times & Christian Science Monitor Dalell D. Mohmed has joined AWI and is now officially in charge of monitoring the NYT and the CSM. He has studied Algeria closely and will be a great asset to AWI. Please welcome him among us. (ii) Legal Advice The BOD is still engaged in investigating a potential source of legal advice and counsel. We will let you know when we have made progress on this important task. (c) Positions to fill For a complete list of open positions, please visit: The following two areas of tasks remain crucial: (1) LEGAL ADVISOR: If anyone is a lawyer out there, or knows of a lawyer who might volunteer his or her services, please contact us as soon as possible. (2) TRANSLATOR: as AWI begins to issue position statements, we need to have people who are willing to translate AWI communications, or in general anything that AWI needs to translate. Any and all languages are welcome. 5. WEB SITE (a) AWI main page The main page is up for a major face lift. The page is still being re-designed. (b) Archives I want to thank M'hammed Henniche for sending us a list of addresses and coordinates of embassies in Algeria. You may find this list at: (c) AWI Newsletter Omar Hassaine is planning to have a first draft of the first issue of the AWI newsletter ready sometime early next week. This is the time to suggest things to include in the newsletter. 6. OUTREACH (a) Advertising AWI We continue to advertise AWI. If you would like to help us in this task, you will find for your convenience an introductory message about AWI at: Please use this message, as is, to advertise AWI around you. Please don't hesitate to make printouts and distribute a hard copy of the AWI introductory message. (b) On-line reading packet An on-line reading packet is now available in the AWI site. This page contains a collection of essays that together form a good introduction to some important dimensions of the Algerian crisis. You will find it at: 7. FEEDBACK TO AWI MEMBERS SUGGESTIONS AND COMMENTS (a) AWI Brochure Larbi Oumerzouk suggested a couple of weeks ago that we publish a brochure on AWI to have ready to distribute. I am happy to report that Larbi has agreed to take on the task. We will keep you apprised of progress on the project. (b) Ali Hannat (Feb 8) Ali Hannat presented a well-thought out proposal for creating a federal structure of AWI that has active chapters around the world. The BOD has exmanined the project and has discussed it in detail. The BOD feels that AWI is still too early in its development to undertake an expansion at the scale that Ali suggested. Our resources are limited and the BOD team is already strained as it is. We believe that the best strategy at this point is to consolidate AWI at its present size, solidify its structure, its work methods and guidelines, and delimit better the scope of its action, before undertaking an expansion. Remember that this is an all-volunteer organization with an aim of remaining all volunteer. In our daily work at the BOD (and it is daily), we are continusouly working both at the substance of our mission and at formalizing as much as possible our processes and procedures, so that in the future they may be more or less replicated, thus avoiding the need for re-inventing the wheel. We hope that by the time of the BOD elections in November, we will have made great progress in our project of establishing AWI on solid grounds so that by that time, Ali's project can be taken up with greater confidence of success. * As always, thank you for being part of AWI. Yours, Ahmed Bouzid AWI, GFO