Wednesday Update, February 25, 1998

    Algeria Watch International
    P.O.Box 27423
    West Allis, WI. 53227, USA
    Tel: (414) 543-6534
    AWI email:
    BOD email:
    February 25th, 1998
    Dear AWI members:
    The following is a highlight of AWI actions since last Wednesday.
    (a) Statements issued
    AWI issued no public statement this week.  
    You may view all AWI public statements at:

    (b) Statements planned
    The BOD is still looking into a resolution -- HR Resolution 347 -- on Algeria being 
    sponsored by US congressman Rep. A. Hastings (FL).  We will inform you of any 
    developments on the matter as we learn more about  it.
    2. TASKS
    (a) Short-term tasks
    The BOD, in its continuing effort to stimulate member participation,
    would like to propose for members a set of short-term tasks that they
    may either take over or help in fulfilling.  The proposed tasks are:
            1 - Build a list of foreign journalists who have written on Algeria.
            2 - Build a list of foreign companies that do business with Algeria.
            3 - Build a list of addresses and coordinates of Algerian associations abroad.
            4 - Build a list of addresses and coordinates of Algerian embassies.
            5 - Build a list of addresses and coordinates of political parties in Algeria.
            6 - Build a list of Islamic/Arab/Middle Eastern human rights associations.
            7 - Build a list of public personalities of Algerian origin/descent.
            8 - Collect summary essays on the various aspects of the Algerian crisis.
            9 - Build a list of graduate students/doctoral candidates who are
                studying Algeria.
           10 - Build a list of Middle East Studies programs in North America
           11	- collect editorials on the Algerian crisis.
    Tasks 10 and 11 are newly added.
    If you would like to take on one of the tasks or to contribute in fulfilling it,
    please let me know.        
    (b) Positions filled:
    (i) Public Statements translator:
    I have the pleasure to announce that M'hammed Henniche has accepted 
    to translate our public statements from English to French. AWI members
    who wish to see our statements translated into other languages are
    encouraged to step forward and propose to do it.
    (c) Positions to fill
    For a complete list of open positions, please visit:
    The following two areas of tasks remain crucial:
            (1) LEGAL ADVISOR: If anyone is a lawyer out there, or knows of a lawyer 
            who might volunteer his or her services, please contact us as soon as possible.
            (2) TRANSLATOR: as AWI begins to issue position statements, we
            need to have people who are willing to translate AWI communications,
            or in general anything that AWI needs to translate.  Any and
            all languages are welcome.
    3. WEB SITE
    (a) AWI main page
    The main page is up for a major face lift.  The page is still being re-designed.
    (b) New Pages:
    The following page has been added to the archives.
    We  have collected many articles from the NYT and Christian
    Science Monitor and that we will make them available shortly.
    We also have begun collecting a list of journalists.
    (a) Advertising AWI
    We continue to advertise AWI.  If you would like to help us in this
    task, you will 
    find for your convenience an introductory message about AWI at:
    Please use this message, as is, to advertise AWI around you. Please
    hesitate to make printouts and distribute a hard copy of the AWI
    As always, thank you for being part of AWI.
    Abdenour Achab
    General Manager