Algeria Watch International P.O.Box 27423 West Allis, WI. 53227, USA Tel: (414) 543-6534 AWI email: BOD email: URL: April 8th, 1998 Dear AWI members: The following is a highlight of AWI actions since last Wednesday. 1. STATEMENTS AWI did not issue a public statement this week. You may view all AWI public statements and action calls at: 2. TASKS a. Open GFO position: The GFO position is still open. AWI members who feel the need to be more actively involved in the direction of AWI are encouraged to apply for the position. 3. WEB a. Pages added Many links and pages have been added to the AWI site -- too numerous to list here. Please visit the following for more information: AWI library: Activist resources: Institutions and organizations: If you have any suggestions on pages and links to add, or feedback on the present pages, please don't hesitate to speak up. b. The AWI members page The AWI members are urged to consult periodically for information the page: 4. OUTREACH We would like to ask each and every one of you to help us advertise AWI. We will e-mail to you this week a simple flyer in MS Word format that we would encourage you to print, copy and distribute all around you. If you are in school, the best place to advertise AWI is your international office. 5. MEMBERSHIP AWI's membership is approaching 40. The list of members is at: 6. MEMBER SUGGESTIONS: The members suggestions are recorded in: There have been no new suggestions this week. Again, please do not hesitate to let me know if any suggestion has been overlooked 7. OTHER: a. The Newsletter The newsletter has been completed and shipped to various individuals, human rights organizations, newspapers and news outlets, universities, and government institutions. The production of the newsletter has cost us in excess of $120 (to make 100 copies). The board continues to bear the burden of the cost, but if you would like to help us with a donation, we would appreciate it very much. A complimentary copy of the newsletter will be shipped to those who donate whatever sum they can afford. If you want a copy, please send your snail mail address to Ahmed Bouzid: b. Fund Raising: Following the initiation of our fund raising campaign, AWI started receiving some donations. The amount received does not cover yet the expenses necessary to keep AWI running. Unlike most associations, AWI does not charge membership dues. Donations from members who can afford it will, however, be greatly appreciated. * Abdenour Achab General Manager