Algeria Watch International P.O.Box 27423 West Allis, WI. 53227, USA Tel: (610) 635-0810 AWI email: URL: May 13, 1998 Dear AWI members: Our General Manager, Abdenour Achab, is not available this week, so I will be writing the update on his behalf. 1. STATEMENTS AWI issued no public statement this week. You may view all AWI public statements and action calls at: 2. TASKS a. Open GFO position: The GFO position is still open. AWI members who feel the need to be more actively involved in the direction of AWI are encouraged to apply for the position. For a detailed description of what the GFO position entails, please visit: 3. WEB a. Pages added No changes have been made to the site since last Wednesday. Members are invited to suggest additions and modifications. 4. OUTREACH a. Distributing flyer In our continuing effort to make people aware of AWI's existence, we continue to ask that each and every one of you to help us advertise AWI. Attached to this file is a simple flyer in word format. Please print and distribute around you. b. Multilingual flyer We have collected the following language versions of the AWI mission statement: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Turkish, and Serbo-Croatian. Our repeated calls to out compatriotes for an Arabic version and an Imazighen version have yielded no reply. 5. MEMBERSHIP An updated page of members may be found at: We are missing some e-mail addresses beside members, and some member names beside email addresses. Please consult the page and let us know. 6. MEMBER SUGGESTIONS: The members suggestions are recorded in: 7. OTHER a. Fund Raising: After repeated unsuccessful appeals to AWI members and the Algerian community at large for help with the financial burden of keeping AWI afloat, the board is taking steps to seek funding from other sources. All the same, we do still you to contribute whatever small amount you can afford. * Ahmed Bouzid, for the General Manager