The tasks of executive officers consist in:

Each executive officer will have a list of fields under his or her supervision.  An executive officer may assign many fields to one field officer, one field to a field officer, or one field to many field officers, as the executive officer sees fit.

A. President tasks

1. Legal counsel
 TITLE: Executive officer, legal counsel division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Assist the President in the translation of statements and documents.

2. Translation

TITLE: Executive officer, translation division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Assist the President in the translation of statements and documents.

3. Public relations

TITLE: Executive officer, public relations division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Assist the President in all activities related to the management of Algeria Watch's public relations activities.

  B. General manager tasks

1. WEB sites

TITLE: Executive officer, WEB sites division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Assist the General Manager in maintaining AW WEB sites.

2. Bylaws supervision

TITLE: Executive officer, bylaws supervision division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Oversee the compliance of the BOD and membership to AW bylaws.

3. Maintenance of records
TITLE: Executive officer, records division.

MISSION STATEMENT: Assist the General Manager in the maintenance of all AW documents and records.
4. Elections and referenda
TITLE: Executive officer, elections & referenda division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Assist the General Manager in the supervision of all AW elections and referenda.

5. Recruitment & staffing
TITLE: Executive officer, recruitment & staffing division
MISSION STATEMENT: Assist the General Manager in recruiting AW members and maintaining record s on all staffing changes.

C. Treasurer tasks  

1. Fund raising
TITLE: Executive officer, fund raising division
MISSION STATEMENT: Assist the Treasurer in raising funds for AW.

D. General Field Manager tasks  

1. Non-governmental, non-political, and for-profit organizations

1.1 Human rights organizations
 TITLE: Executive officer, human rights groups division.
 MISSION STATEMENT: Build and maintain information on human rights groups; build contacts with those groups that are actively involved in monitoring the human rights situation in Algeria.

1.2 Non-political Algerian groups and societies

TITLE: Executive Officer, Algerian groups and societies division
MISSION STATEMENT: Build a database of names of non-political Algerian Groups and Societies.

1.3 Business & for-profit organizations

TITLE: Executive Officer, business & for-profit organizations division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Build a database of names of organizations that engage in extensive business transactions with Algeria.

2.  Government organizations

2.1  Algerian government

TITLE: Executive Officer, Algerian government division
MISSION STATEMENT: Monitor official statements on the Algerian crisis from the Algerian government in Algeria and Algerian government representative bodies in local (e.g., US) soil.


(a) The president's office.
(b) The prime minister's office.
(c) Army statements.
(d) Algerian Embassy.
(e) Algerian UN Mission.

2.2  Foreign governments

TITLE: Executive Officer, foreign governments division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Monitor official statements on the Algerian crisis from local (e.g., US) government agencies both in the foreign country and in Algeria (e.g., US embassy).

Fields: (e.g., US)

 (a) United Nations.
 (b) State Department.
 (c) White House.
 (d) Congress - House & Senate.
 (e) Pentagon.
 (f) Administration.

3.  Political organizations

TITLE: Executive Officer, political organizations division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Monitor official statements on the Algerian crisis from local (US) political organizations; monitor official statements from representative of Algerian political parties (including those not recognized by the Algerian authorities); catalogue and archive such official statements.

3.1  Algerian parties

TITLE: Executive Officer, foreign parties division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Monitor official statements on the Algerian crisis from Algerian parties, whether officially or not officially recognized.

3.2  Foreign parties

TITLE: Executive Officer, foreign parties division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Monitor official statements on the Algerian crisis from local (e.g., US) parties.

4.  Academic
4.1 Scholars
TITLE: Executive Officer, scholars division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Build a database of names of scholars and experts on Algeria, particularly those who have focused on the Algerian crisis; build and archive professional and biographical information on such authors; give a general assessment on each scholars degree of expertise, bias in reporting and analysis, if any.

4.2  Scholarly societies

TITLE: Executive Officer, scholarly societies section.
MISSION STATEMENT: Build a database of names of scholarly societies that deal with topics and questions related to the Algerian crisis; catalogue and archive conference and calls for paper that deal directly with the Algerian crisis; catalogue and archive conference reports on conferences and workshops that focus directly or substantially on the Algerian crisis.

4.3  Scholarly journals & newsletters

TITLE: Executive Officer, scholarly journals and newsletters division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Build a database of names of scholarly journals and newsletters that deal with topics and questions related to the Algerian crisis; build a database of scholarly papers and articles that deal directly or substantially with the Algerian crisis.


(a) Middle East International.
(b) Middle East Studies Journal.
(c) Arab Studies Quarterly.
(d) Middle East Policy.

4.4 Think tanks

TITLE: Executive Officer, think tanks division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Monitor the portrayal of the Algerian crisis in local (US) Think
Tanks; build contacts and relationships with Think Tank members; provide Think Tanks with
information and advice on the Algerian crisis.


(a) CATO institute.
(b) Brookings Institute.

4.4 Books

TITLE: Executive Officer, books and book reviews division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Build database of books written on the Algerian crisis; catalog and archive book reviews and review essays written on such books.

5. Media
5.1 Television

TITLE: Executive Officer, media, television division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Monitor local (e.g., US) news, news magazines, special reports, documentaries, talk-show programs.

Fields: (e.g., US)


5.2 Radio

TITLE: Executive Officer, media, radio division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Monitor local (e.g., US) news, news magazines, special reports, documentaries, talk-show programs.

5.3 Internet

TITLE: Executive Officer, media, internet division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Build a database of sites, electronic newsletters, that deal with the
Algerian crisis.

5.4 News magazines

TITLE: Executive Officer, media, news magazines division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Monitor the portrayal of the Algerian crisis in local (e.g., US) magazines; catalogue and archive articles and stories that focus on the Algerian crisis.

Fields: (e.g., US)

(a) US News &World Report.
(b) Newsweek.
(c) Time Magazine.
(d) The Nation.
(e) The New Republic.
(f) Commentary.

5.5 Newspapers

TITLE: Executive Officer, media, newspapers division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Monitor the portrayal of the Algerian crisis in local (e.g., US) magazines; catalogue and archive articles and stories that focus on the Algerian crisis.

Fields: (e.g., US)

(a) Washington Post.
 (b) New York Times.
 (c) Los Angeles Times.

5.6 Newswires

TITLE: Executive Officer, media, newswires division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Monitor newswire releases on the Algerian crisis.

Fields: (e.g., US)

(a) Reuters.
(b) AP.

5.7 Algerian media

TITLE: Executive Officer, media, Algerian media division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Monitor government treatment of the Algerian press; report on government action against the press; report on violations of press rights; report on violence against members of the press; report on Algerian press activities.


(a) Algeria Press newswires.
(b) Algerian printed media.
(c) Algerian Electronic media.

6. Activism

6.1 Organization

TITLE: Executive Officer, organization division
MISSION STATEMENT: Archive information on how to organize protest efforts.

6.2 Protest efforts

TITLE: Executive Officer, protest efforts division
MISSION STATEMENT: Archive information on protest efforts that relate to the Algerian crisis.

7. Perspectives

TITLE: Executive Officer, perspectives division
MISSION STATEMENT: Archive information that gives an overview perspective of the Algerian crisis.


(a)  Time line of events.
(b)  Summaries and essays on the Algerian crisis.
(c)  Interviews on the Algerian crisis.

8. Algeria Watch International newsletter

TITLE: Executive Officer, Algeria Watch International newsletter division
MISSION STATEMENT: Periodically provide information on the main activities of Algeria Watch International.

9. Archivist

TITLE: Executive Officer, Archivist division.
MISSION STATEMENT: Oversee the archiving activities of all AW executive officers.  Ensure compliance to a uniform format for storing and classifying information.

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